Domestic Tuition, Fees, & Program Hours

The Canadian College of Performing Arts offers courses Monday through Friday from 8:30am – 8:30pm (12 hours per day) and Saturday 9am – 6pm (9 hours), with an optional 2 hour rehearsal block when necessary to prepare for performances throughout the school year. This allows for a total of 60+ hours of classroom instruction per week, excluding meal breaks, making CCPA’s professional training programs some of the most rigorous and intensive in the country.

Domestic Tuition & Fees

Performing Arts Diploma Program


2269 hours of instruction at
Year I Year II
Tuition $9,950 $9,950
Application Fee $250 n/a
Assessment Fee $250 n/a
Course Material $175 $525
Textbook Fee $750 $750
Admin Fee $70 $70
Other Fees $330 $455
Program Duration
33 weeks x 2 years

Performing Arts Certificate Program


1286 hours of instruction at
Tuition $10,000
Application Fee $250
Assessment Fee $250
Course Material $525
Textbook Fee $925
Admin Fee $70
Other Fees $455
Program Duration
33 weeks

Applied Performing Arts Diploma Program


1330 hours of instruction at
Tuition $8195
Application Fee $250
Assessment Fee $250
Course Material $225
Textbook Fee $150
Admin Fee $70
Other Fees $460
Program Duration
21 weeks

Tuition Comparison

We encourage students who may be considering an alternative program to compare the cost of that program against the program hours they will receive. Some comparable programs appear to offer reduced fees on an annual basis while also offering reduced program hours, making the cost of training per hour much higher. In addition to offering a higher number of program hours at a reduced cost, the College’s schedule allows time for summer employment or artistic endeavours and is completed in 20 months.

  The College Comparable Program
Duration 2 years over 20 months 3 years over 24 months
Tuition $11,775 x 2 years $9,200 x 3 years
Total Tuition $23,550 $27,600
Program Hours 2,269 2,159
Cost Per Hour $10.38 $12.78

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photo credit Peter Pokorny